Everything You Need To Know About Red Rump Parrots

Everything You Need To Know About Red Rump Parrots

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It’s clear that you’re reading this post because the gorgeous colors and sounds of the red-rump parakeet are sure to captivate your heart.

I’m referring to…

Who wouldn’t want to be one of them, wouldn’t you? But before you do it’s essential to study and learn about them in order to determine if you truly would like to be responsible for these birds or not.

Species Overview

Everything You Need To Know About Red Rump Parrots

The Red Rump Parakeets (Psephotus haematonotus) are birds that live in the south-eastern region of Australia. They are also referr to as the Red-rumped Parrot, Red-Backed Parrot, Red Rump Parrot as well as Grass Parrot.

They are usually located in open grasslands, locations near streams or rivers and in plains lightly timbered with an elevation of up to 3000 feet. Their numbers continue to grow as they are the least of concern on the IUCN Red List.


Size And Appearance

Medium-sized parrots have a body size of 27 to 28 centimeters (10.5-11 inches) in length, with the majority of it being tail. They have a slim body weighting 1.9-3 3 ounces (55-85 grams)

Male red rump parrot is predominantly bright emerald-green They have blue wings, yellow underparts and highlights on the upper back as well as an emerald the rump. The other side, females are less brightwith its dull-looking green wings and back with olive underparts and dark blue wing tips. Both genders have flesh-colored legs as well as an ebony beak.

Behavior And Ability

Sonation and Vocalization

Red Rumped Parakeets are able to maintain a moderate volume of noise, so they’re not overly loud. However, they’re not quiet either, since most of their noise is soft calls that are compose of tweets and chirps.


The birds sing beautifully. They aren’t adept at mimicking the sounds or voices of other birds, and they are not able to talk well. But when you have enough perseverance and perseverance, it is possible to train them to speak. It is recommended to learn this rather than taking them to an skillful since birds usually learn more efficiently when they are taught by a person with whom they are bonded with.

Life Expectancy

They can expect to live for a period of 32 years if properly cared for along with suitable exercise. However, they typically only survive for an average of 15 years when they are in captivity.

Raising A Red Rump Parakeet

Everything You Need To Know About Red Rump Parrots


They are so friendly and charming personalities. They are extremely active and enjoy a walk about to explore the surroundings. They are also social and will assure that they share their love with anyone who is around them.


Although they’re social, they can still be territorial and aggressive toward their own species and it’s excellent to keep them in a separate area or with a pair of them.

But, they are not likely to become violent towards us humans. Their tiny beaks will not cause any harm, and it’s not an issue for them to play with kids as long as they’re monitor.

They need enough toys and interest to stimulate their brains because they are easily bore. The accurate way to keep them entertained is perfect that you spend some time giving them food or gently touching them to build your bond.


Red Rump Parakeets are normally friendly, however certain situations can create extremes in their behavior..

For instance, if you are able to leave them on their own with any companion for a long period for a period of time, they may appear less social initially however, you’ll soon see them to be extremely aggressive. They also show aggression when they are feeling at risk, irritated, or threatened, or even a victim. This can make them extremely aggressive and irritable.


It certainly takes enough patience and determination to socialize and manage these birds. The process of training them will not be easy to say the least. In fact they can be resistant. However, you can succeed if you have determination and determination. But even then they will still appreciate the experience and interaction for a time.

Home Type

Since they are neither loud or quiet, and do not really need enough space, they’re ideal for houses with larger spaces and apartments. If they ever made noise, it will be beautiful and pleasing regardless.

Required Experience Level

They have little to any problems to raise healthy and happily, so they’re appropriate for new and experienced owners.

They can be amazingly adaptable to a variety of situations and are a breeze to connect with. One downside could be that they’re not the most straightforward kind of parakeet to train, as they are generally quite stubborn.

Caring For A Red Rump Parakeet

Everything You Need To Know About Red Rump Parrots


They generally do well in aviary cages but they’d rather to live in a cage that is cramped or too crowded. This can lead to aggression towards their bird friends. This is the reason the correct dimensions for cages are so important.

The cage of your parakeet should be at a minimum larger than 30 inches in length and 20 inches wide and 20 inches high, with the bar spacing being 1/2″.

Another reason for having this huge cage is because they can get bore and become apathetic fast. To prevent this, make sure they are engaged by filling the cage with birds. A birdbath many climbing ladders, and other toys.

It is essential that red rump parrots keep a birdbath since without regular bathing feathers can fade in color and lose their health. Also, since they are stimulated by climbing ladders and toys, they benefit significantly. Without these activities, their energy will be wasted and eventually lead them to eat too much and fall ill.


If you don’t have a balanced and proper diet, your bird is likely to suffer from weight collect, starvation and other illnesses. That’s why you need to alter your bird’s diet to a balanced one. It’s not straightforward since, for birds the seeds can be compared to candy and you’d expect them to prefer them over the vegetables and fruits that you provide.

A balanced diet for a parakeet is composed of 50 percent pellets and 40% fruit and vegetables 10 percent seeds. Remember that you must clean the fruits and vegetables you bring them with care and swiftly take out the ones that are not eaten as the food that is spoiled could be harmful to your pet.

The seeds of wild birds are the perfect choice since they have more nutritional value and less carbs. Mixed sunflower, canary, millet, and canary seeds are some of the most suitable bird seeds to feed your parrot. This is why it’s excellent to offer your bird seeds as a treat at the end of the day to ensure they finish their nutritious meals first.


They can be easily born at the age of 1 in the springtime season or at any time of the year when rainfall is in the forecast.

They should be provided with a space for flight and a huge vertical nesting box measuring 10-” x 6″ x 6″. It is recommended to add peat and wood shavings at the inside of their nests to help absorb their droppings, and to keep eggs in place.

The chicken will lay between 3 and 7 eggs which will be brooded up to 20 days. The eggs will hatch within one month. She will not let her eggs unattended in any point.


The Red Rump is a popular bird that costs between $20 and $800. The most common varieties typically cost between $20 and $50 with rarer and more exotic color variations are usually more expensive and cost around $1,000.


They are surprisingly low maintenance, and are extremely resistant to disease if properly taken care of.

The most important care they require includes regular baths an ongoing stream of clean water and an unclean and clean cage or aviary. If they don’t have these, they could be more susceptible to some issues such as eye problems, feather plucking, frostbite and fever, and respiratory ailments.

Common Species

Mulga Parakeet

They have the similar dimensions and predominant green color as red-rump parakeets. The only distinction in color is the bright yellow stripe that muga parakeets wear above their heads as well as the light green band around their rumps.

Rosella Parakeet

Rosella Parakeets share the same size and gorgeous sounds. The plumage is red with rumps however, that doesn’t mean that they share the same plumage They are each stunning. They’re not very good talkers, but they can certainly do their accurate to master the basics of mimicry.

Quaker Parakeet

They could have exceptional communication talent and are intelligent, unlike red rump parrots. They have similar size and longevity as well as social abilities and challenges when it comes down to taming and teaching. They also have the same behavior of feather plucking that happens when kept alone for a long time.

Should You Adopt A Red Rump Parakeet?

The birds could be perfect for people who would like to experience its beautiful plumage and voice without the need to take care of them in a constant manner. Apart from that they don’t require enough attention either. They’ll be content with little interaction and a cage full of fascinating and innovative toys.

If you are unable to offer additional them with a large cage that allows them to live as a pair or and only. It’s accurate to look into alternatives. They’re not exactly the type of bird you could put in an aviary, or a large cage along with pets. As in addition to having territorial nature, they are known to be extremely violent and aggressive.


What is the personality of a red rump parrot?

Typical Behaviour. Like most parrots, red-rumps are intelligent and require stimulation to avoid becoming bored and developing self-destructive behaviours. In order for them to express their natural behaviours, a range of natural wooden perches are provided for them to use.

Are red-rumped parrots good pets?

Although they’re social but they can be hostile and territorial to their own species, which is why is desirable to confine them to a single space or with a couple only. However, they’re not likely to be aggressive towards us humans.

What’s the average lifespan of the Red-rumped Parrot?

between 15 and 32 years old

Animal Facts. Life span In human care red-rumped parrots survive between 15 to thirty-two years. Habitat Red-rumped parrots are common in the southeastern part of Australia. Food habits In the wild, the red-rumped parakeets consume the seeds as well as leaves.

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