Mourning Doves and pigeons are two common bird species seen in different environments however, they each have unique features that differentiate them from one another.
We will explore the main distinctions between mourning pigeons and mourning doves, providing a better understanding of their looks behavior, habitat, and behaviors.
Similarities among Mourning Dove and Pigeon
Pigeons as well as Mourning Doves may appear to be very different from the first However, they do have a lot of similarities.
Let’s take a look and find the books out!
The first thing to note is that both pigeons sometimes referred to Rock Doves, and Mourning Doves, are members of the same family of birds. It signifies that they’re distant relatives of birds in the world. They have both sleek bodies with round heads that benefit to fly extremely effectively. If they open its wings they’re robust flyers who can leap effortlessly through the air.
A further commonality Another thing they have in common is the places they prefer to hang outt. Pigeons as well as Mourning Doves have a good time in close proximity to humans. They are frequently seen within towns and cities sitting in parks or on the roofs of buildings. While Mourning Doves tend to be found at farms, in the backyards or even around farm buildings. Both birds have evolved to live in close proximity with humans by finding food sources and spots to build nests within our communities.
They also possess also a similar technique for drinking water that is quite distinctive. Contrary to the other species that are able to scoop water up and move their heads in a downward direction to swallow it, pigeons and mourning Doves can take in the water, and then swallow it up without needing to search for. It’s as if they’ve got an internal straw!
Finally, both pigeons as well as Mourning Doves are famous for their sounding coos. Although their tunes may differ but they all make gentle, soft coo sounds which can be quite relaxing for you to hear. This is one way they talk to each other regardless of whether they’re trying to draw one another or to talk to their pigeons or dove buddies.
The difference in Mourning Pigeon and Dove Pigeon

The idea is that these birds have a lot in common Now it’s time to reveal some of the differences among them.
Appearance Differences
The mourning dove is a smaller and have a slim body. They have a distinct delicate grayish brown body, with a pinkish-colored chest. Their tails are long, and concave, as well as black marks on the wings. The most striking physical characteristic is their black line that runs under their eyes which resembles teardrops.
Pigeons are often known as city pigeons, or rock Pigeons are bigger and more bulkier than mourning doves. They have a wider color spectrum, which includes blues, grays as well as Iridescent purples and greens. Their tails are round rather and tapered to give their appearance a distinctive look.
Behavior Difference
The mourning dove is known for their calm and quiet manner of behavior. They’re usually solitary or seen in pairs, and their gentle cooing sounds can be soothing. They are mostly ground feeders. They are not likely to gather in large numbers.
Pigeons are extremely adaptable, and frequently encountered in large urban flocks. They can be more aggressive in their interaction and with birds of other species specifically when they are competing with each other for food. They are vocal and their cawing is usually louder but less mellow compared to mourning doves.
Mourning Dove vs. Pigeon- Habitat Differences
The mourning dove is commonly seen throughout a variety of habitats such as forests, gardens as well as open fields. They favor quieter and more secluded areas for nesting as well as searching for food.
Pigeons are known for their capacity to flourish within urban areas. They can be seen frequently in busy city center’s in search of food within humans. The ability to adapt to the crowded environment is an important characteristic.
Domestication Difference
Doves mourning are rarely use as pets because of their wild and delicate nature. They are love because of their beautiful appearance in nature settings.
Pigeons are a species that has a long history of domestication, and they have been breed for a variety of reasons. Homing pigeons (a distinct breed of pigeons, have been employ for messenger birds because of their remarkable ability to navigate. knowledge.
Mourning Dove vs. Pigeon Size Differences

Mourning doves are smaller doves with slim build with a length of 9-13 inches (23-33 centimeters) to the length of 23-33 cm.
Pigeons, on one on the other hand, are bigger and tougher, having an average of 11.15 inches (28-38 centimeters).
Speed Differences
The mourning dove is known for their quick and swift flight. They are able to reach speeds that are as high as 55 miles an minute (88.5 km/h) while flying..
Pigeons also have the ability to fly however they are not nearly so fast like mourning doves. They can fly at approximately 35 miles an hour (56 km/h).
Difference Between Mourning Dove and Pigeon Lifespan
Doves mourning have a smaller lifespan on the open, usually lasting between between 1 and 1.5 years on the average because of disease, predation and other environmental influences.
Pigeons are more durable as well, and those living who live in urban areas typically being able to live for three to five years or even longer, due to their access to food sources and the protection they receive from predators.
Diet Difference of Mourning Dove and Pigeon
The mourning doves are primarily plant-based diet with an affinity for small cereals like sunflower and millet seeds. They also consume certain insects and fruit.
Pigeons have a greater variety with regards to their diet, and they can be adept at catching opportunistic food sources. They eat a wide variety of food items, such as grains, seeds and fruits, as well as vegetables as well as human food waste. The flexibility of their diet is the reason for their ability to thrive in urban settings.
Mourning Dove vs Pigeon Sound Differences
One of the most distinct sounds heard by mourning doves is its melodious and soft cooing that is usually called a sorrowful ” coo-OOO-oo” or “coo-COO-coo.” The mourning dove’s voice tends to be gentle, relaxing and repetitious.
Pigeons are also known as a rock pigeon or city pigeons, make the sound of a cooing that’s rougher and less melodious in comparison with mourning doves. The sound is usually a string of coos repeated like “coo-coo-coo.”
The mourning dove’s croon is quite silent and isn’t heard across long distances. The sound is more subdued, melodious sound.
Pigeons can be more loud when they sing compared to mourning doves. The chirps of their coos are strong and can be heard across greater distances, which makes the noise more apparent when in urban settings.
Mourning Dove vs Pigeon Table
Characteristic | Mourning Dove | Pigeon (Rock Pigeon) |
Size | The smaller size is 9-13 inches. | Extra large, 11-15 inches |
Speed | Swift, up to 55 mph | Aiming for 35-35 mph. |
Lifespan (Wild) | 1. 1.5 years | 3 to 5 years old or greater |
Diet | Primarily, they are seeds, but also fruit and insects. | Food items like grains, seeds, fruits vegetable scraps, seeds, and other food items |
Wrap up
Although both mourning doves as well as the pigeons make cooing sounds, mourning doves’ sounds are more gentle, pleasing, and frequently connected with feelings of calm. The pigeon’s cooing however can be more gritty and be louder with regards to volume particularly when it is heard in large crowds of birds in urban areas.