Seven Simple Actions to Help Birds

Seven Simple Actions to Help Birds

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In 2019, researchers documented the shocking loss of three billion birds breeding since the year 1970. Helping birds is just as easy as making small changes to your lifestyle. Here’s a list of seven simple actions that you can perform for benefit birds.

If anyone ever wants to know why conservation of birds is so crucial Here are five clear foundational arguments for why the birds are important as well as a comprehensive piece about the economic value of birds..

1. Make Windows Safer, Day and Night

Seven Simple Actions to Help Birds

The issue: Up to 1 billion birds are predicted to perish each year following collisions with Windows in United States and Canada .
The reason: By day, birds view reflections of glass as areas they can use to fly into. In the night, birds lured by the city lights are at the risk of hitting the structures.
These easy steps help will benefit save birds: On the outside of the window, you can install screens or break up reflections using paint, film, Acopian BirdSavers, or any other string that is not more than 2 inches tall or four inches wide.

Further: Work with businesses or public institutions to provide an opportunity to submit creative “window mural” designs that ensure that windows are safe for birds. Help pass legislation that promotes bird-friendly designs for buildings. Begin a campaign to light up your city.


Keep track of the seven simple actions you’re doing and benefit others to be motivated, too.

  • Create a checklist for your bulletin board or fridge. (Disponible en espanol.)
  • Print and distribute the trifold brochure at club gatherings and bird walks.
  • Print and distribute this handout including all the details on this page

2. Keep Cats Indoors

The problem: Cats are estimated to kill over 2.4 billion birds every year across both the U.S. and Canada. This is the most significant human-caused cause of the decline of birds, besides habitat loss.

The reason: Cats can make excellent pets, but there are over 110 million feral and pet cats roam across both the United States and Canada. The nonnative predators hunt and kill birds, even after being fed.

A solution that is good for birds and cats: Save birds and ensure the health of cats by keeping them indoors or setting up the outdoor “catio.” You can teach your pet to walk leash.

Go further: Speak out about the effects of wild cat colonies in your area as well as on public land. The lives of cats that are not owned could be shorter than two years due to disease or hardship. They contribute to more than two-thirds of the birds that are killed in United States.

3. Reduce Lawn, Plant Natives

The issue: Birds have fewer places to rest in peace while they travel and also to rear their youngsters more than 10, million acres of agricultural land across the United States were converted to developed land from 1982 until 1997.

The reason for this is: Lawns and pavement do not provide satisfying habitat or food to numerous birds and other wildlife. More than 40 million acres are of lawns within the U.S. alone It’s an enormous potential for wildlife to be supported by changing lawns to native vegetation.

Include native plants, observe birds arrive: Native plants add aesthetics and interest to your neighborhood and yard and offer additional refuge and nesting places for birds. The nectar and berries, seeds, and insects can sustain birds and other wildlife.

4. Avoid Pesticides

Seven Simple Actions to Help Birds

The problem: More than 1 billion pounds of pesticides are used across the United States each year . The most commonly utilized insecticides, known as neonicotinoids, also known as “neonics,” are lethal for birds as well as the insects that they consume. Commonly used weed killers around the home, such as 2 4-D, glyphosate and 2 (used as a component of Roundup) can be poisonous to wildlife, and glyphosate is now considered as a likely human carcinogen.

The reason: Pesticides that are poisonous to birds can cause harm to directly, through contact, or when they eat poisonous seeds or prey. Pesticides also affect birds indirectly, by cutting down the quantity of insects that birds require to live.

A healthier option for your family, yourself and your bird species: Consider purchasing organic food items. About 70% of the produce that is sold across the U.S. contains pesticides . Eliminate pesticides from your house and garden.

Further: Urge U.S. Representatives to support the Saving America’s Pollinators Act. The legislation, H.R. 1337 will require to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to revoke the registration of neonics.

5. Drink Coffee That’s Good for Birds

The problem: Three-quarters of the world’s coffee farms cultivate their crops in sunlight and are destroying the trees that bird and animals require for food and shelter. Sun-grown coffee is also frequently requirs with environmentally-harmful pesticides and fertilizers. However shade-grown coffee maintains the forest canopy, which helps migraters to the tropics survive winter.

The reason: Too few consumers are aware of the issues of sun-roasted coffee. People who are aware might be hesitant to pay to buy environmentally friendly coffee.

Get shade-grown coffee It’s win-win-win because it’s delicious, and economically profitable for coffee farmers, and also helps over 42 different species that are North American migratory songbirds that reside in coffee plantations including warblers and orioles and thrushes.

Go further: Look for Bird Friendly coffee, a label issued by the Smithsonian Migratory Bird Center that also incorporates organic standards. Inform coffee shops and grocery shops about the benefits of shade-grown coffees.

6. Help to protect Our Planet from plastic

The problem: It’s estimated that 4,900 million metric tons plastic are accumulating in our landfills as well as in the world’s environment, contaminating our oceans and causing harm to animals like seabirds, turtles, and whales that accidentally eat plastic, or get caught in it.

The reason: Plastic takes more than 400 years to decay as well as 91% percent of the plastics produced aren’t recycled . Studies have shown that at the least 80 species of seabirds ingest plastic , believing that it is food. Toothbrushes, lighters for cigarettes and other garbage were found within the stomachs of albatrosses that have died.

Reduce your use of plastics: Avoid single-use plastics such as bottles, bags wraps, wraps and utensils that are disposable. It’s better to opt for recyclable items, however should you own disposable plastic, make sure to reuse it.

Go further: Advocate for bans of plastic bags, styrofoam and straws. Encourage retailers to offer incentives to use reusable bags and also ask restaurants and other companies to eliminate single-use plastics.

7. Watch Birds, Share What You See

The problem: The world’s most abundant bird The Passenger Pigeon, went extinct and the public didn’t know the speed with which it vanished till it got too far. Monitoring birds is vital to benefit to protect their habitat, however tracking their health and the wellbeing of 10,000 species of birds in the world is a huge challenge.

The reason: To understand how birds are doing scientists require millions of citizens to share what they see in their backyards, communities and in wild areas across the globe. Without this data scientists will not have suitable time-sensitive data to know how and the time when birds are dying across the globe.

Enjoy bird watching while supporting conservation and science. Join an organization like eBird, Project FeederWatch, Christmas Bird Count, Breeding Bird Survey and the International Shorebird Survey to record your bird-watching observations. Your contribution will serve important information that will demonstrate where birds are doing well and the areas where they require our benefit. NOTE: If you don’t yet have the knowledge to make use of eBird, we offer a no-cost tutorial for you to benefit you make the most of the application and the tools it offers.

Go further: Mobilize others in your local community by forming schools groups, or leading bird walks, and then submitting your bird counts to the eBird. Help organizations coordinate monitoring projects.


What are the behaviors of birds?

They’re constantly moving or flying, hopping and swimming, swaying, or engaging. They’re frequently exploring, climbing for food, eating, performing or doing something else that grabs our interest. Sometimes, the behavior of a bird is simple to comprehend. A heron fishing or a parrot enjoying fruit clearly is about acquiring food.

What do you plan to actually achieve to benefit the bird?

Make sure that lights are off and treat windows to assure the birds are secure
The reason for this is that in the daylight, animals see mirrors in glass to be places they can glide through. In the evening, the birds that fly by city lights run the danger of striking the structures.

How to increase the number of birds?

Plant some bird-friendly plants

Create an oasis for birds in your own back garden by planting a variety of bird-friendly plants, trees and shrubs. These will help to provide further shelter and nesting sites, as well as a natural food source.

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